4 Google is not your Doctor
There are quite a few women who will always Google their problems before seeing a gynecologist. Typical questions are “Doctor Do I have cancer” or “but it says on Google………” Regardless of what problems you may be having, you should know that several bodily symptoms are common for a variety of diseases and just because you may see cancer as a possibility on Google, doesn’t mean you have it. If you Google skin problems, you will be certain you have skin cancer. Also!! Never refer to Google as a doctor to your gynecologist.
Tip: Although it’s ok to clean your vulva with mild soap, your interior does not need soaps or cleaning gels. Just water is god enough to clean because your interior genitals are self cleaning. It isn’t advisable to use perfumed soaps and shower gels down there.

Image Source: www.thepurplefig.com/
5 You don’t tell your gynecologist about period problems or you forget to
PMS is a common enough occurrence in women to a certain extent but if it is going beyond your ability to manage it or if it is impacting your lifestyle, then you certainly need to discuss it with your gynecologist. Moreover if you are having irregular cycles, extremely heavy or hardly any period at all, such issues regardless of important or to, need to be told to your doc. speaking about such issues isn’t making you a fusspot, these are genuine problems affecting women. Don’t let your partner or any family member make you feel that you are making much ado about nothing.
Women’s bodies are complex. Hormonal problems and irregularities affect women in various ways which could be confusing. Only your gynecologists can sort out the problem provided you give him or her all relevant information.

Image Source: www.thelist.com
6 When you want a female doctor but too hesitant to ask for one
Don’t even think your male gynecologist will take it amiss if you ask for a female doctor. Such issues are the prerogative of the patient and they will understand that perfectly. Just ask and you shall receive.

Image Source: www.ytimg.com
7 You don’t think of your personal hygiene when seeing a gynecologist
Seriously now!!Just because you read earlier that your interior genital area is self cleaning doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see that it is clean too. Make sure your pubic hair is clean and please always wear a clean set of underwear. Is it fair to let your doc suffer like that??

Image Source: www.mosmama.ru