10How he tested the theory
Napper made his students participate in an experiment that required them to add harmless molecules to their noses. Then he asked half the class to dig for boogers and feast on them. Then he ran tests to gauge the body’s immune response to the molecules. Since the experiment is a very recent one, the conclusions of the test have not been published as yet.

Image Source: thesheaf.com
11How mucus protects our teeth from bacteria
Research studies found that a certain amount of bacteria present in the salivary mucins or mucus can even prevent or combat tooth cavities.
Dental caries is caused by Streptococcus mutans a carcinogenic bacteria which attack the tooth and produces organic acids that then start dissolving tooth enamel. Salivary mucins prevent the colonization of such bacteria in the mouth.

Image Source: ytimg.com
12Consuming your snot
If you are feeling grossed out by now, then check out what boogers can really do for you. Research says that consuming your own snot actually builds up protection against respiratory infections and even stomach ulcers. Well!! One wonders how many would prefer the ulcers than resort to that.

Image Source: caughtoffside.com
13Not accepted by all
Regarding digging your nose and eating your boogers, it isn’t entirely accepted by everybody in the medical fraternity. Some experts feel that we are already swallowing mucus and there is no viable reason to start eating your nosey gold too.

Image Source: guntursapta.com
14Wash your hands soon after
Napper feels that even if you do eat your boogers, then you should wash your hands soon after so that they remain clean. Napper though, is an advocate for snacking n boogers. He says “From an evolutionary perspective, we evolved under very dirty conditions," he says, "and maybe this desire to keep our environment and our behaviors sterile isn't actually working to our advantage."
If you want to eat your boogers, its upto you but skeptics feel that when you put your hands in your mouth you put germs into your mouth or nose.

Image Source: host.urbo.com