The parents who are expecting a child always be in the worry that if their child is going to be alright or not. They are usually very worried about well-being of the newborn baby. And, it is always a worst kind of nightmare when doctors inform that the baby is suffering from birth defects. It is definitely a terrible news for the parents of the child. But, once the parents are informed that the child will struggle to live a healthy life, they need to find their composure and be brave to come out of the situation.
1Suha gave birth to a child suffering from Congenital Heart Disease
Suha Dabit is a photographer who gave birth to a child recently. She gave birth to a child with a name Nadia. The child was suffering from Congenital Heart Disease when she was given birth. Suha was very worried initially and the whole experience made her realize that what it was like to see the child struggling for life.

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2Suha coped from the worrisome situation with courage
Suha successfully coped from the worrisome situation. She did it with all the kinds of courage and composure. After getting through, she shared her strength to all the mothers around the world.

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3Suha wrote her experience on Love What Matters
“After five and a half months of waiting, we received the call. They found a perfect match, a whole, four ventricle heart, her lifesaving gift, a new chance at life,” Suha writes to Love What Matters. “After nearly six months of waiting and praying, we were able to bring Nadia home again. This is why I became a photographer.”

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