Just as you thought you may know everything there is to your Apple iPhone, along comes an article like this which makes you think otherwise. You’ll be really surprised to know just how little you know about your iPhone and how much secret stuff Apple hides within the gadget. As an Apple user, there is much more to your apple iPhone than you thought like secret codes hidden in the gadget. There are several codes hidden in your Apple phone that reveal various bits of information and functions on the device and I’m sure you’ll just love knowing what they are. Well here are 7 secret codes hidden in your iPhone.
1Block Caller ID
Want to remain invisible to someone who you call and speak to? Did you think this was possible? Well yes it is on your iPhone. Just type this code, #31# and voila that’s your cloak of caller invisibility. Try it to see if it works.

Image Source: www.lifebuzz.com
2Get A More Precise Reading Of Cellular Signal Strength
Now this is a bit long to memorize so it’s better to store it in your phone. Just dial *3001#12345#* to receive various options. Hold down the power button to ignore the options. The power screen then pops up; press the home screen button for it to appear. On the top left hand corner in place of bars, numbers will appear indicating the level of signal strength.40-80 indicates a strong signal but anything below means a poor signal.

Image Source: www.techinsider.io