
Img Src: cloudfront.net
People usually think it’s fine if the product has diet labelled over it. These items may not increase your weight, but it contains artificial sweeteners which can be harmful for you. These synthetic ingredients are as harmful as real sugar. One of the most used artificial sweeteners are Aspartame, it is used for stunning the production of serotonin. Serotonin is essential for managing your moods and anxiety. You could be harming yourself if you drank a can of diet sodas every day.

Img Src: wsspaper.com
If coffee weren’t bad enough, energy drinks could have two or three times the amount of caffeine. Did you know that these drinks are so dangerous they can cause heart attacks in some people? In 2019, a study based on popular drinks conducted by the AHA (American heart Organization) have warned people about these drinks and have found their relation with heart problems.

Img Src: healthline.com
One of the most favorite drinks among Americans is soda but one of the worst foods bad for anxiety. It is filled with sugar and it is rich in caffeine as well. They may not have as much caffeine as a cup of Joe’s, but this drink should be avoided. The sugar content hijacks your brain and functions like a drug for elevating or worsening your mood. Soda can increase body fat and inflammation which will lead to bigger problems. Soda does nothing but pump you with calories and triggers for anxiety