16My Throne
Nobody dares make me move from here, because I have claimed my throne!

Image Source: lippycorn.com
17 Waiting for food!
This one is waiting for its food to arrive in front of it. It seems like he is one of those good chaps, who is not accustomed to being a nuisance; just to have his tummy full.

Image Source: lippycorn.com
18Natural space
One can even consider this spot to be that place where he hides from the world when he doesn’t want to mingle with anyone.

Image Source: lippycorn
19Let’s enter quietly
The bandits have arrived, but they are entering in very quietly. The commotion may start when they enter the house though!

Image Source: www.pinterest.cl
20Keep me holding tight
Okay, this kit has officially won my heart and I cannot say anything more than this about him.

Image Source: surfingbird.ru
21Blissful fountain
A clear space-check! Water around-check! A beautiful fountain like feel-check! I don’t think this little brat needs anything at all now, at this moment! We hope you have liked these pictures as much as we did. Do tell us which one is your favorite.

Image Source: www.cnnturk.com