Sometime’s life’s lighter moments will only be recognized after they have been captured on photos and you spot the funny. On a lighter note, take a look at these hilarious photos of people who don’t care and don’t give a damn either be it subject or photographer.
10 Little Champ stops by just to ask for something
And that something is a banana. It’s weird as to why he would ask a banana from someone else’s house. Goes to show he doesn’t care.

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9 Old man just wants his photo taken
He doesn’t give a damn about people trapped in the car. It seems he just wants his own photo taken which goes to show how oblivious he is to others.

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8 That awesome bronco you can’t forget
Old man still clutches on to his rocking horse and he gets something to pull it around. His wife most probably and that to in a wheelchair, After all she is on wheels too.

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7 Watch the pics closely?
Grandma’s washed away and the crowd is still posing. Perhaps the funniest photos of people who don’t care. It’s funny how they didn’t notice the tide washing her away.

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