6Our Collection!
The CDs used to be our life because we got them with much passion and created our special collection of songs. We never knew what it was to rely on apps in order to listen to music. And we used to do everything to make sure that our CD collection was the best.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
7Treasure Trove
Keeping our CDs safe and all stacked up in the best of bags was something we used to love to the core. The art of collecting our cool stuff was ingrained amazingly in our senses and we literally used to guard this with all our might.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
8The Real Nightmare
Taking the love for CDs to the next step, we would like to tell that looking at this scene was a nightmare of sorts for all of us. Just imagine working hard on creating our list of favorites and then losing it all just because of those scary scratches all over the CD.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
9Fun gone when one gone
My goodness, these pencils were such a rage back in those days and it is because of these only that we have learnt to give value to the smallest of things as losing even one portion of the parts inside the pencil meant that we had to part away with the entire thing and then listen to mom shouting as well.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
10 The real MTV
Don’t mind us saying that we had the best of times with MTV. The love for music in most of us was seeded by this very channel and yes, they played music here. Today, the channel is filled with reality shows, which frankly speaking look anything but real life.

Image Source: www.cosmopolitan.pl