While double dating is a common affair, for these celebrities, three was certainly not a crowd and there have been many celeb friends who have dated the same star be it a male or female. Here are ten such incidents when stars dated the same person.
10 Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas
The three teen singer/actors dated each other during their Disney days. Nick Jonas dated Miley in 2006-2007 and again dated Gomez in 2010. Their relationships and breakups even featured in their songs.

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9 Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston and Adam Duritz
Both “Friends’ stars shared an equal interest in Counting Crow’s singer Adam Duritz. Jennifer Anniston dated Duritz in the early nineties but shared a relationship with Courtney Cox on a more serious level in 1997. Cox also appeared in his video for Long December in the same year.

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8 Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson and Alex Rodriguez
Baseball slugger Alex Rodriguez dated both Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz at the same time. Tabloids also alleged that the two women were seen in a catfight over the suspended baseball star.

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7 Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson and Justin Timberlake
Even when Cameron Diaz was fuming over her split with JT after a four year affair and his new found love Jessica Biel in 2007, Tabloids reported that Timberlake was also sharing a relationship with Kate Hudson for over a year even as he was with Biel. A fantastic example of stars dating the same person without knowing it.

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