It has been confirmed that sugary caffeinated energy drinks are more dangerous than your regular coffee. New research has now found for sure than energy drinks caffeine type should definitely be avoided. Consuming four cans of Energy drinks can cause abnormal changes in blood pressure and heart rhythm in just TWO HOURS.
1 One Can Of Your Favorite Energy Drink Contains 27 Teaspoons of Sugar
A Very Common and commercial energy drink was tested where just 32 ounces or under a liter caused concerned changes to the electrical activity of the heart and blood pressure. It was found that the drink contained 108g of sugar equal to 27 teaspoons. 320 mg of caffeine which is almost the recommended daily limit. Moreover, there were other substances present such as taurine, ginseng and carnitine.

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2 What the Study Found
A study to justify the claims was made by Dr. Emily Fletcher of the US Airforce Medical Center in Travis California because 75% of the army personnel drank energy drinks caffeine. According to DR Fletcher, there are 500 types of various caffeinated energy drinks available on the market and all showed the same spikes in blood pressure and heart levels.

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3 Energy Drinks Can Cause Arrythymia or Abnormal Heart Electrical Impulses
Research carried out in 18 young participants found that within hours of consuming energy drinks, the heart stopped for 10 milliseconds between beats. According to Dr. Fletcher, to long intervals can cause a condition called Arrhythmia or abnormal electrical impulses which can sometimes be fatal. She also found that while certain medication could cause a 6-millisecond interval, energy drinks had the capacity to have a bigger impact.

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