There are so many things that a young lady should know about her health, but there is no one with whom they can share their thoughts. Talking about your periods in public is as same as committing a crime. Asking your mom about sex means that you want to do that. No one understands that having knowledge about such things is actually important.
But, nowadays internet has emerged as a great platform, where anyone can put up their views on any topic, where people can ask their questions and will get the answers, can talk with others regarding their issues, for example – a girl can easily consult a gynecologist for her problems, or doubts. And now here we are going to take advantage of this platform to talk about some points that every woman should follow in her life.
1Always do remember that “nothing is more important than your health”
Try to make it a routine for you, where you give yourself some time to relax, where we have regular appointments to the gynecologists, where you have some time to enjoy your life, where you have time to do things that you actually want to do, where you have regular appointments to your doctor and dentists. All this will make your life healthy and happy.

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2If you are a reader then go for a really good novel or autobiography in a month
If you are someone who is not into reading then go for some motivational books or books of your interest. But remember 1 book in 1 month. Still, if you are someone, who hates reading, then you can go for a really good and classic movie in every 15 days.

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3Most of the woman feels that they eat a lot during their periods and most of them blame it to PMSing
But this is not the truth. The truth is, you always crave for having something when you are in your periods is because of the fact, that you eat less while ovulating. So this is your body’s demand to overcome that shortage, plus so much blood is running out of your body, so your body needs more food to make more blood and heal it up as quickly as possible. So, it’s completely fine to eat more when you are on your periods.

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