By now you may have read about several abandoned cities existing in various countries around the world. The most intriguing aspect of some of these countries is the fact that a small percentage of people still live in them, some out of compulsion and some out of desire. But this particular modern city nearly abandoned seriously takes the cake. It happens to be the capital of Burma!!
Napypidaw is the curious capital of Burma created to honor the military Junta who has ruled the country since WWII. With all the sights and infrastructure of a modern city, Naypyidaw is impressive with immaculate public gardens, skyscrapers, endless of hotels and established highways. It only lacks PEOPLE.
1 The capital of Burma was moved from Yangon to Naypyidaw in 2005
In November 2005, the military Junta moved the capital of Burma from Yangon to Naypyidaw which was at the time a barren wasteland. The people, of course weren’t allowed an explanation as it was an arbitrary act by one of the world’s most repressive of military regimes. The time for resettling and relocation was even chosen by government astrologers.
Rumors were ripe that the reason for the move was a strategic one to prevent any amphibious attack by the US which is why the capital was oven more inland and away from the coast.

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