There are so many things in the world that we are yet to have knowledge about. We discover newer and newer things as we go on and everyday is new discovery for us. The truth is stranger than fiction. Sometimes some things are so bizarre and unique that they defy the comprehension boundaries of a human.
We have to do research in order to check and reference these things and finally it dawns on us how amazing these things are in real. Therefore, we bring to you 15 such facts that will blow your mind and will take some time for you to digest.
1A Chemist invented the first ever electric car in 1837
The first known electric cars date back to 19th century, as far back as 1837; when a Scottish chemist Robert Davidson invented the first prototype of the electric car run on galvanic batteries. In 1841, Davidson built a larger vehicle, the Galvani weighing seven tons. The Galvani was tested on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway in 1842 and reached 4 mph for a distance of 1.5 miles (2.4 km) while carrying a load of six tons.

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The vehicle was destroyed by railway workers, who saw it as a threat to their jobs. The first practical electric car was designed by English inventor Thomas Parker in 1884.

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2American Airlines saved $40,000 by removing one olive from every salad in 1987
Robert Crandall, the head of American Airlines in 1987 needed to bring down their costs and he came up with a brilliant idea to remove one olive from every salad served to the first class passengers. This move of his saved the company $40,000 in costs, by saving tens of thousands of olives.

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3Since its discovery in 1930 and down gradation as a planet in 2006, Pluto hasn’t made a full orbit of the sun
Poor little Pluto! Discovered on February 18, 1830, by Clyde Tombaugh, Pluto was the ninth planet in the solar system. However, in 2006, it was downgraded to a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
During its time as a planet and its down gradation, in 88 years, Pluto failed to make a single orbit around the sun, as it takes 248.09 Earth years to make one rotation around the Sun. It is calculated that Pluto will complete its orbit around the sun on March 23, 2178.

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4Disney is the second largest importer of explosives after US Army
The US Army is the largest purchaser and importer of explosive materials in the world. This is not at all unusual, but the name second on the list will shock you a lot.
Disney World comes in the second place in buying explosives in the world, which are used in their fireworks that are the selling point of the company. Offering once in a lifetime experience to the visitors, Disney World has a huge fireworks show in the world.

5Coca-Cola invented Fanta for Nazi Germany
During the Second World War, a trade restriction (embargo) on Germany made it difficult for the Coca-Cola Deutschland, a German company to import syrup for producing their drinks. Therefore the head of the company Max Keith used German materials like apple pomace and whey to invent a new drink known as Fanta.

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