If your jeans are getting tighter, your dress buttons are popping or your shirt shows a hint of a paunch, then be happy for the fact that as a couple you are in a happy relationship. Scientific research now says that the best way to tell if a relationship is a happy one is by looking at their waistlines. The study derived from research at the national center for biotechnology Information says that happy couples put on weight. Now you know why those pouches of fat on your body are called love handles?
1 People in happy relationships are not under pressure
It isn’t all hogwash because this was a result of observation on human participants. 168 couples volunteered for the study whose weights were recorded twice a year. The couples were asked about the status of their marital life. The information recorded that those couples living a happy and satisfied married life were also the ones who put on weight. Those who were on the verge of splitsville or in the process of separating were slim.
The researchers provided a practical reason why happy couples put on weight. People in happy relationships are not under pressure to attract a partner and neither do they need to impress anyone. They are confident that their partners will not leave them. It is this state of mind that helps them have a good appetite and eat well. Those who were slim and felt a need to maintain their figures were those in strained relationships feeling a need and desire to attract other mates.

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