Its most unfortunate at times that while Police officers make headline news during negative incidents of excessive police force, their good deeds go unnoticed. A Police officer is a family man just like you and me. In several incidents, sometimes what may seem as excess police force could be out of compulsion and an effort to neutralize a situation rather than for the pleasure of it. Here are 5 positive police stories that may change your mind against Police officers and renew your faith in the department.
1 Police Officer checks homeless family into a motel and foots the bill
Due to a cash crunch Robert Wood and his family were compelled to sleep in their car while moving back to Oregon from Alaska. Upon reaching Eugene, Oregon he parked his car in a city park and prepared for the night as usual. It was then that Lt David Natt spotted the vehicle and told Wood that he would have to move as it wasn’t allowed for them to stay in the park.
But while explaining to a tired wood and noticing the two boys, two and four years old asleep in their parents laps, he did the unthinkable. He made wood and his family follow him to a motel where he checked the family in. he also insisted that the bill would be taken care of by the Police department. It so happens that the University Fellowship Church had endowed a special fund for Eugene Police to help people like Wood. Lt Natt made use of the fund without thinking about fame but his story titled Good Samaritan cop was posted on Facebook and traveled around the world. “I have tears in my eyes,” Wood posted to Facebook on Feb. 25, praising the police officer’s act of kindness. “Holy loving lucky stars. I got tears in my eyes.”

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